7 Email Campaign Statistics That May Surprise You

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your business. It can reach an audience on a global scale, it’s easy to set up and manage, and it’s cost-effective in comparison to other marketing methods. However, not all email campaigns are created equal! In fact, many businesses run into trouble with their email campaigns by focusing too much on design or features like CTAs (call-to-actions). Here are some surprising statistics about how people interact with emails:

When do people look at their emails?
You may be surprised to learn that email is most popular in the morning and evening. While some people are still awake at 2 am, others won’t get online until 8 am. That’s why we recommend sending your emails during these times of day if you want them to be read by as many people as possible.

The least popular time for an email campaign is between lunch and dinner; this probably isn’t because no one has anything important to do during these hours but rather because it helps avoid getting caught up in work after eating a big meal or going out with friends.

How many opens does the average email have?
The average open rate for email campaigns is around 26%. The average number of opens per email campaign is 1.08, which means that the average customer will open your email once (and in some cases twice).

The numbers get higher as you move up in the marketing funnel, with an average of 2.1 opens per person who receives your message at or before the point where they actually make a purchase decision—this is known as “the bounce rate” and it’s important to understand how high it can be if you want to improve conversions from these initial interactions.

What is the average open rate for email campaigns?
One of the most common questions people ask when it comes to email marketing is “What is the average open rate for email campaigns?” It’s a good question, because open rates are one of the key metrics we use to measure our success as an email marketer.

The answer: The average open rate for email campaigns is 40%. This number has been relatively stable in recent years, but it does vary depending on industry and company size. For example, if you’re sending out 10k emails a month and have an average click-through rate (CTR) of 2%, your CTR would be 1%. If your CTR were higher than that though—say 3% or 4%—your open rates could increase dramatically!

What is the average click-through rate for an email?
The click-through rate is one of the most important metrics for measuring the effectiveness of your email campaign. It’s also one that gets used a lot, but not always with good reason.

The average click-through rate for an email can range from 1% to 3%, depending on what you’re sending and when it’s sent. But there are some exceptions: high-frequency newsletters might have higher rates, while low frequency ones may have lower ones—which makes sense because newsletters are typically sent less than once per week (if you send them daily) whereas emails are usually sent more often (though not necessarily every day).

Click through rates vary by industry and subject matter as well: media companies tend to get higher click through rates because they’re sending messages related to their content topic; retailers who sell fashion items tend to receive high CTRs since they’re marketing products directly relevant to their audience’s interests; and nonprofit organizations often see lower CTRs due primarily because there aren’t any incentives for people reading these types of messages

What’s the average conversion rate for emails?
The conversion rate is the percentage of people who click on your email, divided by the total number of people who receive it. If you have 100 emails sent out and only 50 people actually open them, your conversion rate would be 50%.

The higher your conversion rate, the better!

What is the best time to send an email campaign?
A common question is “When should I send an email campaign?” It’s important to know that there are no hard-and-fast rules, but there are some general guidelines when it comes to timing.

The best time to send out an email campaign is early in the morning. This is because people are generally awake and ready for business at this time of day, so they’ll be more likely to open your emails and provide feedback or engage with your brand on social media channels. In addition, according to HubSpot research (PDF), sending messages during these hours produces higher open rates than other times of day—as high as 50% higher!

Is email marketing effective?
Email marketing is still a top strategy for companies to use. According to a recent study by Hubspot, email marketing has been linked to up to 67 percent of revenue growth for organizations.

In addition, email marketing offers a great way to build relationships with customers and get more information about your product or service before making an investment in it. This can be particularly helpful if you’re looking at purchasing something from another company that doesn’t offer much information on how they operate or how well they’ll work with yours—and even then, it’s still important for you as an individual user of their product because there are so many different types of experiences out there!

Email also provides an excellent platform through which customers can give feedback on what they like/dislike about products and services offered by businesses like yours (or any other brand). This allows managers at these companies see exactly what works best without having all kinds of different opinions polluting each other’s heads simultaneously.”

Email marketing is still one of the most successful ways to promote your business!
Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to promote your business!

In fact, according to a study by HubSpot, email marketing is still one of the best ways to reach your audience and drive sales. Even though it’s been around for decades and isn’t going anywhere anytime soon (and will likely remain so), there are still plenty of things you can do with email that make it worth exploring if you haven’t already started using it as part of your overall marketing strategy.
Remember, email marketing is still a smart way to promote your business and grow it. It’s a tried-and-true method that can be used in many different ways and has the potential to reach many different audiences. If you don’t already use this tool for your business, try it out!

Source :free email marketing

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